Harford Radon & Real Estate Repair Services Inc
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Serving Baltimore
Harford & Cecil Counties, MD

Radon Inspections

Protect Your Home With Our Radon Inspection Services

In Business Since 1990 | FREE Radon Estimates | Military DISCOUNT Available

In Business Since 1990
FREE Radon Estimates
Military DISCOUNTS Available

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The state of Maryland has one of the highest levels of radon in the country. Your family may be at risk for exposure. The NEHA estimates that 1 out of every 15 homes in the U.S. has an elevated level of radon gas. Radon gas is odorless, colorless and tasteless, so there is no way for you to detect it unless you get tested for its presence.

What to Do When There Is Radon Infestation in Your Home

Any home can have a radon problem. This means new homes, old homes, well-insulated and drafty homes, even homes without basements. Since you can’t see, smell or taste radon, you have to test for it. Testing for radon is affordable and easy. If the test result shows that your radon level is above the NEHA standard of 4pCi/L, radon mitigation can safely and effectively reduce the radon levels to below NEHA standards to ensure a worry-free, healthy living environment in your home.

Quality Radon Solutions

Many people don’t test their homes for radon because they fear they may incur a large financial burden in order to correct the problem if they test high. In fact, most solutions are inexpensive and most problems are relatively easy to correct. However, even in cases where radon levels are high and mitigation is necessary, it is relatively low in cost when compared to most home repairs.

Radon gas has no odor making it hard to detect. If you suspect a high level of radon exposure, call Harford Radon & Real Estate Repair Services today!
radon mitigation

Types of Radon Inspections

  • Electronic testing 
    • Minimum test: 48 hours 
    • Same-day results 
  • Canister testing 
    • Minimum test: 3-7 days 
    • Results in 4-6 days 
See our downloads page for more information, or call us today to schedule a radon inspection in your home or business.

FREE radon estimates available at Harford Radon & Real Estate Repair Services.

Contact us today!
We have been serving Baltimore City, Baltimore, Harford, Howard, Carroll, and Anne Arundel counties for over 27 years.
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